Early Liftoff Pricing

What You Get

How Much It Costs

Try it Free for 5 Days


Use Agents Anywhere You want


Monthly Fee for Each Agent


Chats included

Up to 5,000

Extra Types of Data

$1.50 each

More Chats Than 5,000

$0.45 per extra chat

5-Day Risk-Free Trial

Experience our services for 5 days absolutely free! Pre-authorization is needed upon signing up, but rest assured, no charges will be made unless you exceed the 5,000 chats limit within the trial period.

Unlimited Agent Placements or Sessions

Expand your reach with zero limitations! With our service, you can place agents on as many locations as you desire and run as many simultaneous sessions as you require at no additional cost.

Monthly Subscription

Once the trial period ends or if the trial limit is surpassed, you will transition into our monthly plan. This plan incurs a fee of $449 per month, per agent. This subscription is automatically renewed every month.

Included Chats within Subscription

Your monthly subscription permits up to 5,000 chats.

Data Sources

The monthly subscription fee of $449 covers up to 100 data sources for each agent. Should you require more data sources, each additional source will cost $1.50 per month. This additional cost will be appended to your monthly subscription fee.

Additional Chats

If your business necessitates more conversations beyond the initial 5,000 chats included in your subscription, the cost is just $0.45 for each additional chat.


Early Liftoff Rate

Lock in our special rate of $449 per agent per month β€” exclusively available to our first 1,000 agents. Secure this pricing for 12 months before it’s adjusted according to market trends.

Only paid subscriptions lock in the Early Liftoff Pricing for 12 months.

@Myva.ai 2023. All rights reserved.