Meet myva

Meet myva

Your go-to AI for precision and privacy. No fluff, just business-smart answers.

Unlock Greater Revenue

Ignite customer engagement like never before and watch your business profitability soar higher than a SpaceX launch!

Chop Down Costs

Unleash the power of efficiency for your team! Let myva do the heavy lifting, so your employees can focus on the strategic tasks - saving you agent time and money.

Globally Adored, Locally Customized

With companies and customers worldwide placing their trust in myva, it's like the popular kid in the AI school. But don't worry, myva doesn't play favorites! It's custom-built with your specific business content, providing tailor-made, personalized customer interactions that ensure customer satisfaction while freeing your human staff for the real brain-bending tasks.

Your Fast, Accurate, and Dependable Sidekick –

Protect your brand's honor with myva! It provides spot-on answers without any hallucinations (Yes, no AI daydreaming here!). Whether it's customer service, support helpdesks, or document research, myva has it all under control.

myva Made Simple:
Because Your Business Data Deserves a Superpower!

Swift Setup

Hop aboard the myva express with our ultra-smooth website integration or file upload. It's as easy as pie (and just as satisfying)!

myva to the Rescue

With myva, you get responses that are grounded in your content and data, no nonsense included! What's more, you get to see the citations and sources for the responses.

Deploy Your Custom Agent

myva can reside on your website or app through embed widgets - talk about a friendly neighbor!

Let myva Do the Heavy Lifting

myva is not just a pretty face - it's designed to roll up its virtual sleeves and get to work in areas like sales, customer service, customer engagement, and topic research.

Your Data Privacy and Security: myva's Sacred Vows

Your data is more secure than a secret superhero lair with myva. It's encrypted, and we never store your files (not even for a rainy day). We're like the Fort Knox of data privacy, with a stringent privacy-first policy. On track for Soc 2 and ISO 27701 certification, the gold standard of international data safety standards.

Top-Class Vendors

myva learns from the best, adopting practices from security maestros like GCP and Stripe.

Your Questions, Answered

Got queries about myva? Our myva agent will come to your rescue, covering everything from data privacy to our source of training data.

The Future is AI, and it's Signed, Sealed, Delivered with myva!

AI is reshaping business operations like a master sculptor, introducing efficiencies and capabilities that were once the stuff of sci-fi. Intelligent chatagents that understand, learn from, and respond to human queries in real time? Not a biggie for myva!

myva makes sense of your business content to dish out relevant responses. And our latest feature ensures that every response myva generates is strictly based on your content - no more, no less.

So, if you're worried about AI daydreaming (or hallucinations as the techies call it), rest easy! myva is committed to accurate, on-brand communication at all times.

Revolutionize Your Business with myva

Our “Truth Bubble” feature is the unsung hero here, creating a contextual boundary around myva's responses. This not only ensures factual accuracy but also eliminates the chance of any creative misadventures.

We understand that implementing AI solutions in your business is like introducing your family to your superhero alter-ego - it requires utmost confidence. That's why we encourage you to test our Truth Bubble - because seeing is believing!

Your Data - Safe, Secure,

Your business data is precious, and we treat it that way. It remains encrypted, secure, and confined within your specific myva agent. And for that extra cloak of protection, only you have the power to add, remove and review your crown jewels.

In a Nutshell

Driven by your needs, we've poured our heart and soul into myva - a reliable, effective, and customizable AI ChatAgent solution. Our Truth Bubble is the icing on the AI cake, ensuring that the myva's output aligns perfectly with your business needs while maximizing efficiencies. So why wait? Step into the future of AI with myva today and experience the magic firsthand! 2023. All rights reserved.